Special dyes ::: Sale

A wet sea water garment left to dry in the sun... the visual result of this treatment recalls the saltiness whitening the surface of the garment.
Salt treatment is very versatile and can be applied both on knitwear, both of outerwear or similar made yarns and / or fabrics already dyed, even in more colours.
It 's a dipping treatment, it is neither sprayed, nor printed and is distributed unevenly.  The chiaroscuro are given by the conformation of the building on which it applies, the white is known mainly on the more raised parts.
The procedure is artisan dyeing and garments, despite being homogeneous, may present different shades from each other.

Ferrini s.r.l.
Via Bufaloro, 25 - 06089 Torgiano PG - IT
Partita IVA 00488900549
Tel. (+39) 075 988 00 79 Fax (+39) 075 988 00 82
Mail: direzione@ferrini.pg.it
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